For Tuesday, October 27th we are proud to announce that Erik Loef, CTO and Microsoft MVP at Proxsys, and Kenneth van Surksum, Modern Workplace consultant at Insight24 will host a session about: “What is this Modern Authentication everyone is talking about, and why you should phase out Legacy authentication?”
Session abstract:
Microsoft has announced that they will stop the usage of Legacy Authentication for Exchange Online in H2 2021. Legacy authentication must be replaced by Modern authentication.
In this session Erik Loef and Kenneth van Surksum will explain what Legacy – and Modern authentication is and why legacy authentication is bad and should therefore be phased out.
They will also explain how you can detect whether Legacy authentication is still in use within your environment, and what you can do to start phasing out legacy authentication and transition to Modern authentication instead. Erik and Kenneth will explain and prove that Modern Authentication alone isn’t enough though.
They will also share a possible project approach, and lessons learned – so that you don’t have to make the mistakes that we made during our enrollments.
At the end of the session, we want attendees to be aware of this upcoming change and give them the necessary information in order to start phasing out legacy authentication and optimize their security posture within their own environment.
The webinar will start at 16:00 CEST (Amsterdam time zone), please click here to find out how late the webinar will start in your time zone. You can join the webinar by signing up at our Meetup page, where after registration you will find the link for the webinar.