On Wednesday 10 and Thursday 11 February, several communities (A joint venture by #SGUCSE #SCUGDK #SCUGFI #MMUGNO and #MSEndpointMgr) in the Nordics are organizing the Nordic Virtual Summit. The organizing team consists of well-known community leads: Jan Ketil Skanke, Nicolay Andersen, Jörgen Nilsson, Stefan Schörling, Ronni Pedersen, Panu Saukko, Sandy Zeng and Maurice Daly.
You can register for free via the website here: https://nordicvirtualsummit.com/register/
The event, which will last 2 days has 36 sessions given by many well-known speakers in the community and I’m honored to be one of them. You can find a list of all the other great speakers here and the agenda here. The event starts at 09:00 AM Central European Time (CET), keep that in mind if you are from a different time zone.

My session will be on Thursday February 11 at 11:00, the topic will be “Azure AD Conditional Access demystified”. Since I have so much to tell, and 45 minutes on the clock, this will be a huge challenge for me.
Abstract: In July 2016 Microsoft made Conditional Access generally available. Since that time I had a love and hate relationship with this functionality of Azure AD. Mainly because it’s difficult to test scenario’s and some changes can have a really high impact. I even experienced being locked out of accessing the Azure portal during one of my tests. In this session I will share my experiences about implementing Conditional Access at several customers, I will explain what went wrong so you don’t have to make the same mistakes. I further will cover how to design, implement, test and troubleshoot Conditional Access policies and last but not least, I will share my own Conditional Access policy baseline which I use as a starting point for every implementation. Because sharing is caring.
I really hope to (virtually) meet you there.