On Tuesday the 16th of February, I will speak at the webinar of the Workplace Ninja User Group Netherlands. This session, which is updated monthly will go into more detail about the different topics surrounding Conditional Access which I blogged about here.
The webinar will start at 16:00 CEST (Amsterdam time zone), please click here to find out how late the webinar will start in your time zone. You can join the webinar by signing up at the Workplace Ninja User Group Netherlands Meetup page, where after registration you will find the link for the webinar.
Abstract: In July 2016 Microsoft made Conditional Access generally available. Since that time I had a love and hate relationship with this functionality of Azure AD. Mainly because it’s difficult to test scenario’s and some changes can have a really high impact. I even experienced being locked out of accessing the Azure portal during one of my tests. In this session I will share my experiences about implementing Conditional Access at several customers, I will explain what went wrong so you don’t have to make the same mistakes. I further will cover how to design, implement, test and troubleshoot Conditional Access policies and last but not least, I will share my own Conditional Access policy baseline which I use as a starting point for every implementation. Because sharing is caring.
I really hope to (virtually) meet you there.
2 thoughts on “Speaking at the Workplace Ninja User Group Netherlands meetup webinar on February 16, about Conditional Access”