Yesterday, on Thursday February 16, I presented at the 19th Workplace Ninja User Group Netherlands Tuesdays Webinar. My session, titled “Azure AD Conditional Access demystified” started at 16:00, and lasted around 75 minutes.
This session, which I prepared based on the various articles I wrote about the subject is continuously updated to reflect my current findings and best practices. You can find the slides from my presentation on my GitHub page here: “WPNinjasNL – Conditional Access Demystified – 16022021.pdf“. The session has also been recorded, you can find that recording on the Workplace Ninja User Group Netherlands Youtube channel here: WP Ninjas NL Tuesdays Webinar featuring Kenneth van Surksum
If you want me to speak about this subject at your user group or virtual event, feel free to reach out to me and we will see what we can do.