For next week, Tuesday, March 30 we are proud to announce that Dirk-jan Mollema, one of the core researchers of Active Directory and Azure AD at Fox-IT will be hosting a session about: Azure, Conditional Access, Attackers and you – the present and future of attacks against the Microsoft Cloud.
Session abstract:
In a working-remote world, Conditional Access policies are the basis of a secure work environment. They act as gatekeepers for Azure and Office 365, offering advanced controls about who is allowed to access what from where.
In this session we will explore how Conditional Access policies work: what they are designed to protect against? What are common configurations? But more importantly, what do they not protect against? And how can attackers can use these gaps to obtain access to accounts even with policies configured? As threat actors adopt their methodologies to attack cloud platforms, understanding these topics is becoming more relevant than ever.
We’ll look how attackers attack the cloud today and how they will likely be doing it in the future, with the recent Solorigate attack as a case-study.
When, and how:
The webinar will start at 16:00 CEST (Amsterdam time zone), please click here to find out how late the webinar will start in your time zone. You can join the webinar by signing up at our Meetup page, where after registration you will find the link for the webinar.