On Thursday May 27, Erik Loef and I will speak at the May virtual event of the Microsoft Cloud and Client Management Community. The Microsoft Cloud and Client Management Community is a Belgian community with the following members: Tim de Keukelaere, Wim Matthyssen, Tim Hermie, Ken Goossens, Jasper Bernaers, Peter de Tender, Peter Linders and Micha Wets.
The topic of our session will be: “What is this Modern Authentication everyone is talking about, and why you should phase out Legacy authentication“. During this session Erik Loef and I will talk about why phasing out Legacy Authentication is a good idea even though Microsoft postponed its decision to phase out legacy authentication for Exchange Online for now.
Click here to sign-up and join our session: May 2021 – MC2MC evening
Our session will start at 18:45 CEST and will last till 19:30.
Besides our session some other very interesting sessions will be held as well:
- 19:30-20:15: Adapting Big Data Architecture Patterns for Real-world Scenarios by Heini Ilmarinen
- 20:30 – 21:15: Top 5 ways to secure Azure resources by Sasha Kranjac
- 21:15 – 22:00: Windows 10 Servicing in the work from home era by Ronni Pedersen and Jorgen Nilsson
We hope to virtually meet you there.