On Wednesday evening the 12th of February the Windows Management User Group Netherlands is organizing a new event. This time the subject throughout the evening will be monitoring, and for this we have found three excellent and knowledgeable speakers on the monitoring subject.
We start with Stefan Stranger, who will talk about using PowerShell with System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager. Second Dieter Wijckmans who comes all the way from Belgium will talk about monitoring applications which reside in the cloud. And third we have Dennis Rietvink from Savision who is going to talk about Business Service Management for System Center Operations Manager.
This evening our host will be VXCompany in Baarn. You can find more information about the event on the WMUG NL homepage here: http://wmug.nl/2014/01/30/programma-wmug-bijeenkomst-12-februari-bekend/. We hope to meet you there !