Yesterday, on Thursday February 16, I presented at the 19th Workplace Ninja User Group Netherlands Tuesdays Webinar. My session, titled “Azure AD Conditional Access demystified” started at 16:00, and lasted around 75 minutes. This session, which I prepared based on the various articles I wrote about the subject is continuously updated to reflect my current…
Category: Conditional Access
February 2021 update of the Azure AD Conditional Access demystified whitepaper and workflow cheat sheet.
I’m proud to announce the February 2021 update of my Conditional Access demystified whitepaper. With this release, we have reached the third iteration of the whitepaper starting with the first one released in August 2019 after writing several blogposts on the subject. In May last year I released the second version containing a lot of…
Speaking at the Workplace Ninja User Group Netherlands meetup webinar on February 16, about Conditional Access
On Tuesday the 16th of February, I will speak at the webinar of the Workplace Ninja User Group Netherlands. This session, which is updated monthly will go into more detail about the different topics surrounding Conditional Access which I blogged about here. The webinar will start at 16:00 CEST (Amsterdam time zone), please click here…
Speaking at the Nordic Virtual Summit 2021 about Conditional Access
On Wednesday 10 and Thursday 11 February, several communities (A joint venture by #SGUCSE #SCUGDK #SCUGFI #MMUGNO and #MSEndpointMgr) in the Nordics are organizing the Nordic Virtual Summit. The organizing team consists of well-known community leads: Jan Ketil Skanke, Nicolay Andersen, Jörgen Nilsson, Stefan Schörling, Ronni Pedersen, Panu Saukko, Sandy Zeng and Maurice Daly. You…
Browser restrictions and configuration when using Conditional Access on your modern workplace
This article is about a subject I covered before in my blogpost titled: “Understanding and governing reauthentication settings in Azure Active Directory“. The reason I’m doing a more specific article on the subject is because I see a lot of issues when it comes to browser configuration which must be solved if you want to…
My presentation about Conditional Access at the Workplace Ninja User Group München
Yesterday, on Thursday January 21, I presented for the Workplace Ninja User Group München about one of my favorite topics “Conditional Access”. My presentation started right after the presentation of Sandy Zeng who talked about her top features of Endpoint Manager and how they changed over time. My session, titled “Azure AD Conditional Access demystified”…
Speaking about Conditional Access at the Workplace Ninja Usergroup München on Thursday January 21st 2021
On Thursday, January 21st 2021 I’m honored to announce that I will be speaking at the Workplace Ninja Usergroup München meetup. The Workplace Ninja User Group München is run by Christian Lehrer, @chri_tea on Twitter and Maren Beuth. The meeting will start at 19:00 Central European Time, click here to find out at what time…
Defining more granularity for your Conditional Access App Enforced Restrictions using Sensitivity Labels
In June this year I wrote an article about: Limit Access to Outlook Web Access, SharePoint Online and OneDrive using Conditional Access App Enforced Restrictions, the article explains how you can use Azure AD Conditional Access to restrict downloading and printing within SharePoint Online/OneDrive and Outlook Web Access (OWA). Within that article we used a…
Designing and building your Microsoft Endpoint Manager/Intune environment for Operations
In my work as a modern workplace consultant, I see a lot of Microsoft Endpoint Manager/Intune environments. Many of these environments have been build based on trial and therefore it lacks structure and overview. Most of the environments have been built from scratch, adding and removing functionality until a point was reached where the solution…
Conditional Access demystified: My recommended default set of policies
In August last year, I published eight articles in a series on Conditional Access, and later once finished I decided to bundle those articles in a paper which are now available on GitHub. You can find version 1.1. of the Conditional Access demystified paper there. You can expect a new version coming soon, since I…
Understanding and governing reauthentication settings in Azure Active Directory
Governing when users receive authentication prompts when authenticating to Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) is depending on more than one setting, on which functionalities are in use and also in which scenario you authenticate (Browser, Modern clients or other). Reauthentication can take place by asking for a single factor, like password, FIDO, the password less…
Announcing #WMUG_NL Tuesdays Webinar 13 on October 27th featuring Erik Loef and Kenneth van Surksum
For Tuesday, October 27th we are proud to announce that Erik Loef, CTO and Microsoft MVP at Proxsys, and Kenneth van Surksum, Modern Workplace consultant at Insight24 will host a session about: “What is this Modern Authentication everyone is talking about, and why you should phase out Legacy authentication?”
Mobile Application Management for Mobile Devices with Microsoft Endpoint Manager/Intune deep dive
With Microsoft Intune, there is a lot of focus on the Mobile Device Management (MDM) aspects of the product. This is logical because from a management perspective, if you manage a device using MDM, you can configure almost all settings remotely, something we as System Administrators have been doing for many years. In many situations,…
Azure AD Continuous access evaluation (CAE), a first look
In April 2020 Alex Weinert, Director of Identity Security at Microsoft announced that Microsoft was working on moving towards real time policy and security enforcement. The first implementation for this move is now available as an option you can enabled within Azure AD, called Continuous access evaluation (CAE). The functionality released in April was only…
Limit Access to Outlook Web Access, SharePoint Online and OneDrive using Conditional Access App Enforced Restrictions
One of the scenario’s we can build with Conditional Access, is the scenario where we restrict access inside the web application itself. By doing so, you could for example limit the functionality of the web applications on non-managed devices, or when accessing the web application from a country where your company normally doesn’t operate. The…