Earlier this month I wrote an article about using filtering in assignments for apps, compliance policies and configuration profiles in Microsoft Endpoint Manager. And now Microsoft has made available a preview of “Filters for devices” for use in your Azure AD Conditional Access policies. Because this functionality is provided as a preview there is no…
MDM policy processing on Windows 10 with Microsoft Endpoint Manager, a closer look
The goal of this blogpost is to explain more about what happens between the moment that a configurations setting in Microsoft Endpoint Manager (MEM) are created or modified and applied from that point forward to the endpoint. I will cover the options available to validate and monitor if the settings make it to the endpoint,…
Announcing #WPNinjasNL Tuesdays Webinar #25, Tuesday May 25, featuring Jan Bakker
For next week, Tuesday, May 25 we are proud to announce that Jan Bakker, Microsoft 365 Consultant and Microsoft Enterprise Mobility MVP will be hosting a session about: All about Azure MFA. Session abstract: In this session you will learn all about Azure MFA. We take a look at the different ways to do a…
Announcing #WPNinjasNL “Live – Ask us Anything” #5, on Tuesday May 18, 2021 (Tomorrow) about Endpoint Analytics
On Tuesday, May 18 we are proud to announce our fifth “Live – Ask us Anything” session, hosted by Ronny de Jong and Frans Oudendorp. The topic for this session will be about: Endpoint Analytics During this session Ronny and Frans and special guest Albert Cabello Serrano, Principal Program Manager Lead at Microsoft will go…
A first look at filtering when assigning apps, compliance policies and configuration profiles in Microsoft Endpoint Manager
Microsoft is currently in the process of rolling out a preview of filtering for apps, policies and profiles in Microsoft Endpoint Manager. With this new functionality you will be able to define extra applicability conditions for Apps, compliance policies and configuration profiles. Not every workload is supported (yet) though, for example you cannot use the…
A first look at expediting Windows 10 Quality Updates when using Windows Update for Business and Microsoft Endpoint Manager
During Microsoft Ignite, Microsoft announced the option to bypass pre-configured Windows Update for Business policies to immediately deploy a security update across your organization when emergencies arise as part of their Windows Update for Business deployment service. Today, Microsoft has made available a preview of possibility to expedite the installation security patches as part of…
Speaking about Modern Authentication at the May 2021 meetup of the Microsoft Cloud and Client Management Community #MC2MC
On Thursday May 27, Erik Loef and I will speak at the May virtual event of the Microsoft Cloud and Client Management Community. The Microsoft Cloud and Client Management Community is a Belgian community with the following members: Tim de Keukelaere, Wim Matthyssen, Tim Hermie, Ken Goossens, Jasper Bernaers, Peter de Tender, Peter Linders and…
Announcing #WPNinjasNL Tuesdays Webinar #24, Tuesday May 11, featuring Nico Zieck
For next week, Tuesday, May 11 we are proud to announce that Nico Zieck, Director Technology & Solutions at Liquit B.V. will be hosting a session about: Top 5 biggest technical hiccups when moving to the cloud. Session abstract: The question is no longer why you should move to the cloud. The benefits are clear!…
Customizing the Microsoft Endpoint Manager company portal and my experiences doing so.
The Microsoft Company Portal app is a cross platform app available in the app stores of Apple, Android and Microsoft. The app, depending on the installed platform provides several options depending on the scenario it’s used in. In my implementations of Windows 10 Modern Workplaces the Company Portal is one of the apps which always…
Announcing #WPNinjasNL “Live – Ask us Anything” #4, on Tuesday April 20 about Expediting Windows 10 Quality Updates
On Tuesday, April 20 we are proud to announce our fourth “Live – Ask us Anything” session, hosted by Ronny de Jong and Frans Oudendorp. The topic for this session will be about: Expediting Windows 10 Quality Updates During this session Ronny and Frans and special guest David Guyer from the Windows Servicing product team…
Using Conditional Access to provide more granularity when registering or joining devices
This month Microsoft released a new “User Action” for Conditional Access in public preview. The new user action called “Register or join devices” can now be used to provide more granularity related to joining or registering a device in Azure Active Directory. Up until now, there was a global setting which you could define related…
Designing and configuring compliance policies for your Windows Modern Workplace using Microsoft Endpoint Manager
Measuring your managed systems against a baseline has been around for a while, in Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager(MECM)/ConfigMgr we can already use one or more Configuration Items combined in a Configuration Baseline to measure and remediate clients against an imported or self created baseline. You can measure for example if the Windows Firewall is enabled…
Announcing #WPNinjasNL Tuesdays Webinar #23, Tuesday April 13, featuring Greg Ramsey
For next week, Tuesday, April 13 we are proud to announce that Greg Ramsey, Enterprise Mobility MVP and Enterprise Tools Strategist at Dell, Inc. will be hosting a session about: Intune + ServiceNow = A Happy Admin. Session abstract: What can make an admin happier than automation?!?! Join Greg as he explores integration points between…
Configuring Windows Update for Business settings for your Microsoft Endpoint Manager managed Modern Workplace
Keeping Microsoft windows devices up-to-date has been a challenge I have been dealing with for a long time now. Within Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager/ConfigMgr getting grips on your updates was and is not an easy experience which you configure once and never have to touch again. If you in todays world are using Microsoft Endpoint…
Announcing #WPNinjasNL Tuesdays Webinar #22, Tuesday March 30, featuring Dirk-jan Mollema, security researcher at Fox-IT
For next week, Tuesday, March 30 we are proud to announce that Dirk-jan Mollema, one of the core researchers of Active Directory and Azure AD at Fox-IT will be hosting a session about: Azure, Conditional Access, Attackers and you – the present and future of attacks against the Microsoft Cloud. Session abstract: In a working-remote…