On February 2, 2021 Microsoft announced “Windows 10 in cloud configuration”, when reading the title I was immediately interested to find out what that meant. Hence, even Mary Jo Foley wrote an article on the subject: Microsoft makes available Windows 10 ‘in cloud’ configuration settings for IT admins Let’s dive in deeper and see. Microsoft…
Updating your Security baselines in Microsoft Endpoint Manager to a newer version
With the 2101 Service Release of Microsoft Intune, released this week (February 1, 2021) Microsoft released a lot of new features (more on that in other blogposts). One of the important changes in this service release is the fact that the security baselines for Windows 10 and Microsoft Defender for Endpoint (formerly Microsoft Defender ATP)…
Speaking at the Workplace Ninja User Group Netherlands meetup webinar on February 16, about Conditional Access
On Tuesday the 16th of February, I will speak at the webinar of the Workplace Ninja User Group Netherlands. This session, which is updated monthly will go into more detail about the different topics surrounding Conditional Access which I blogged about here. The webinar will start at 16:00 CEST (Amsterdam time zone), please click here…
Speaking at the Nordic Virtual Summit 2021 about Conditional Access
On Wednesday 10 and Thursday 11 February, several communities (A joint venture by #SGUCSE #SCUGDK #SCUGFI #MMUGNO and #MSEndpointMgr) in the Nordics are organizing the Nordic Virtual Summit. The organizing team consists of well-known community leads: Jan Ketil Skanke, Nicolay Andersen, Jörgen Nilsson, Stefan Schörling, Ronni Pedersen, Panu Saukko, Sandy Zeng and Maurice Daly. You…
Browser restrictions and configuration when using Conditional Access on your modern workplace
This article is about a subject I covered before in my blogpost titled: “Understanding and governing reauthentication settings in Azure Active Directory“. The reason I’m doing a more specific article on the subject is because I see a lot of issues when it comes to browser configuration which must be solved if you want to…
Announcing #WPNinjasNL Tuesdays Webinar #2, Tuesday February 2nd featuring Kenny Buntinx & Merlijn Van Waeyenberghe
For Tuesday, February 2nd we are proud to announce that community friend Kenny Buntinx & Merlijn Van Waeyenberghe are hosting a session about: How real-time is Endpoint Manager today? Session abstract: Remember what Microsoft SMS stood for? That’s right: slow moving software 😊 Configuration Manager has come a long way in terms of speed to…
Enabling Self Service Password Reset (SSPR) for your Modern Workplace users
On modern workplaces we use authentication techniques provided by Windows Hello for Business, like biometric and PIN. Due to this, user don’t login with their password all the time. Nowadays Microsoft even recommends to not set any password expiration policies because passwords which expire make users select predictable passwords, composed of sequential words and numbers…
My presentation about Conditional Access at the Workplace Ninja User Group München
Yesterday, on Thursday January 21, I presented for the Workplace Ninja User Group München about one of my favorite topics “Conditional Access”. My presentation started right after the presentation of Sandy Zeng who talked about her top features of Endpoint Manager and how they changed over time. My session, titled “Azure AD Conditional Access demystified”…
Announcing #WPNinjasNL “Live – Ask us Anything” #1, on Tuesday January 26 about Security Awareness
Starting in January 2021, the Workplace Ninja User Group Netherlands has started a new initiative, the “Live – Asks us Anything” sessions. During these sessions, hosted by Frans Oudendorp and Ronny de Jong we will invite one or several guests and talk about predefined subject. The session is live recorded and you are invited to…
Announcing #WPNinjasNL Tuesdays Webinar #1, January 19, 2021 featuring Adnan Hendricks
For Today, January 19th we are proud to announce that our own Adnan Hendricks, Microsoft Azure MVP will host a session about: Azure AD Identity Protection. Session abstract: One of the advantages of Microsoft having many customers using its services is that Microsoft can leverage data from those customers and apply some real fancy Machine…
Speaking about Conditional Access at the Workplace Ninja Usergroup München on Thursday January 21st 2021
On Thursday, January 21st 2021 I’m honored to announce that I will be speaking at the Workplace Ninja Usergroup München meetup. The Workplace Ninja User Group München is run by Christian Lehrer, @chri_tea on Twitter and Maren Beuth. The meeting will start at 19:00 Central European Time, click here to find out at what time…
Rebranding the Windows Management User Group Netherlands to Workplace Ninja User Group Netherlands
In February 2013 Bob Cornelissen, Marnix Wolf, Peter Daalmans and myself founded the Windows Management User Group Netherlands (WMUG_NL) foundation, an independent user group covering everything around the management of Windows environments. At that time our goal was to provide a platform for IT Pros to share experiences, tips and tricks. This can be done…
Defining more granularity for your Conditional Access App Enforced Restrictions using Sensitivity Labels
In June this year I wrote an article about: Limit Access to Outlook Web Access, SharePoint Online and OneDrive using Conditional Access App Enforced Restrictions, the article explains how you can use Azure AD Conditional Access to restrict downloading and printing within SharePoint Online/OneDrive and Outlook Web Access (OWA). Within that article we used a…
Designing and building your Microsoft Endpoint Manager/Intune environment for Operations
In my work as a modern workplace consultant, I see a lot of Microsoft Endpoint Manager/Intune environments. Many of these environments have been build based on trial and therefore it lacks structure and overview. Most of the environments have been built from scratch, adding and removing functionality until a point was reached where the solution…
Announcing #WMUG_NL Tuesdays Webinar 15 on December 1st, 2020 featuring Alex Verboon
For Tuesday, December 1 we are proud to announce that Alex Verboon, Cyber Security Consultant at baseVISION in Switzerland will host a session about: “Improving your security posture – Challenges and Solutions” Session abstract: In my daily work as a cyber security consultant I support my customers with improving their security posture. In this session…